Heartland Farms

Heartland Farms still strives for excellence in quality and customer satisfaction. Four main seasons, Asparagus in May, Strawberries in June, Produce in Mid Summer and Pumpkins/Halloween Family Fun in October. Times change, the tools and methods we use to grow our crop is ever changing. Our Values have stayed the same:
• To grow and offer the best possible, 
• To do this with a smile
• To be neat, clean and organized
• And to always, always refer to the Golden Rule.

Heartland Farms logo
Adventure Type: On Farm Markets, Specialty Crops, U-Pick(s)
Types of Produce or Products:
Available Amenities: Cash Accepted, Check Accepted, Credit Card Accepted, Venmo Accepted, Group Tours, Handicap Access, Motorcoach/Bus Access, Restrooms

Contact Us

5111 Osage Rd
Waterloo, Iowa 50703


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