The Berry Basket Farm

Open during the June-bearing Strawberry harvest season. (Usually from early June until early July.) Cash, Check, and Credit Card are accepted payment options. Bring your own containers or pick into our baskets and head home with a smile on your face and berries to snack on whole, blend into smoothies, bake into pies or mix into jams. Visit our website for up-to-date information and to sign up for notifications about picking conditions and special events: Look to connect with us on social media and share your experience coming to pick your own healthy and local strawberries right here in Iowa City, Iowa. We're looking forward to seeing you this June!

A basket full of Strawberries at The Berry Basket Farm.
Adventure Type: On Farm Markets, U-Pick(s)
Types of Produce or Products:
Available Amenities: Cash Accepted, Check Accepted, Credit Card Accepted

Contact Us

2683 HWY 1 SW
Iowa City, Iowa 52240


Visit our website

Hours of Operation:
Open rain or shine when the strawberries are ready to harvest between early June and and early July!

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